The creator

I know a boy by the name of Henry Ford Assembly line . He was very unique for all of us , he always dreamed to make a special source of energy for the future of the human World , "he called that nuclear energy". He keep thinking about alternating current making an airplane by the brand name of Ford , which are made by plastics, nylon, transistor radio, communication satellites, computer,and solar cell to control it's flow.

He is the first man that had the idea to put television into the airplane for showing the movies to the passengers. Henry Ford introduce the procedure of buying the ticket by using telephone and credit card. After tremendous glory that he achieved he got a diseases which made him use the pacemaker for the whole of his live, and he must keep eating the antibiotics to keep his alternating current of brain work as usual.

Henry ford introduced a security system that use a laser devices for it raw materials. For these he needed to have support from his friend that open the household appliances and freeze drying machine maker. Before he died, he dreamed that he will be the first human who walk on the Moon.

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